Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 4 Bay Digital Battery Charger
Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 4 Bay Digital Battery Charger


Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 4 Bay Digital Battery Charger

Sale price$39.99

Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 4 Bay Digital Battery Charger


Product Highlights:

  • Modes: Charge, Discharge, Test, Quick Test and Refresh
  • Output Current – up to 1A x 4 channels (selectable 200mA, 300mA, 500mA, 700mA, 1000mA) or 2A x 2 channels
  • Backlit digital display showing battery voltage, charge/discharge current, charging time, battery capacity, etc.
  • The quick test mode tests the battery impedance
  • The charger integrates the minus delta voltage for NiCd or NiMh battery charging termination, and for Li-ion batteries charging to 4.2V with pre-selected current

Package Contents:

  • OPUS BT-C3100 v2.2 digital battery charger
  • Standard US power plug
  • User Manual


  • 4 independent channels. Most chargers have some channels connected together but not this one. You can have each channel doing a different thing, one could be analyzing while another is charging, they could all be charging at different rates, the sky is the limit.
  • Internal resistance quick battery test mode checks internal resistance of batteries
  • Discharge testing up to 1A checks that your batteries really have as many mAh as they say they do.
  • Charging up to 2A per channel (up to 2 batteries) or 1A per channel (up to 4 batteries) allows very fast battery charging.
  • Refresh mode allows you to cycle batteries automatically
  • Charges Li-ion, NiMH, and NiCd
  • Can be set to 3.7V LiFeO4 charging or 4.35V high voltage li-ion charging by a switch on the PCB. Default li-ion charging mode is 4.2V CC/CV.
  • Minus delta voltage charging for NiCd/NiMH reliable charging.
  • New backlit LED display tells you information


Input – AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz or DC 12V 2A
Output Current – up to 1A x 4 channels (selectable 200mA, 300mA, 500mA, 700mA, 1000mA) or 2A x 2 channels

Compatible with:

3.6V/3.7V Lithium Ion Batteries – 10340, 10350, 10440, 10500, 12340, 12500, 12650, 13450, 13500, 13650, 14350, 14430, 14500, 14650, 16500, 16340, 16650, 17350, 17500, 17650, 17670, 18350, 18490, 18500, 18650, 18700, 20700, 21700, 22500, 22650, 25500, 26500, 26650

Dimensions (L x W x H): 6.10" (155mm) x 3.16" (80mm) x 1.73" (44mm)